
Marjorie Taylor Greene photobombed by stranger's middle finger: "classless trash"

Marjorie Taylor Greene photobombed by stranger's middle finger: "classless trash"

Marjorie Taylor Greene photobombed by stranger's middle finger: "classless trash"

Brian Glenn / Instagra

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s boyfriend Brian Glenn accidentally posted the GOP Congresswoman getting flipped off in the back of a photo to Instagram.

Greene and Glenn attended the Iowa State Fair after former president Trump attended last weekend.

Glenn posted a photo of himself, Green and four children with the caption “These kids screamed ‘we love MAGA, Trump 2024’ […] They were so happy!”

But eagle-eyed viewers spotted a woman in the background of the photo sticking her middle finger up at the camera. In another photo a man is seen sticking his tongue out and putting his thumbs down.

Brian Glenn / Instagram

Glenn zoomed in on the photo-bombers on his Instagram story, writing “then I noticed this AFTERWARDS.” He went on to call the pair “classless trash.”

Brian Glenn / Instagram

Many thought it was rich for Glenn to call the pair “classless trash” given everything Greene has done since becoming Congresswoman.

This isn’t the first time Greene has been flipped off in photos without her realising at the time.

Back in June Greene had posted a video of her at a town hall in Cobb County, without realising that a constituent had given her the middle finger as she left the stage.

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