
Ron DeSantis' alleged pudding-eating technique has lit up Twitter

Ron DeSantis' alleged pudding-eating technique has lit up Twitter
Ron DeSantis wants US to scale back Ukraine support

We’ve all substituted a random item for an eating utensil when they’re not available.

Whether that’s using the lid of an ice cream pint as a spoon or your hands to eat pancakes, there are moments we’re all forced to improvise.

But eyebrows are being raised at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for allegations that he chose to eat a “chocolate pudding dessert” with three of his fingers.

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The accusation, reported by The Daily Beast is claiming DeSantis, 44, ate the pudding with his hands while flying privately from Tallahassee, Florida to Washington DC in March 2019.

Pudding-gate was apparently confirmed by “two sources familiar with the incident.”

Indy100 has reached out to DeSantis’ office for comment.

Upon hearing about DeSantis’ pudding situation, Twitter lit up with jokes and memes.

Some people agreed with DeSantis' pudding-eating method, saying they too enjoy the dessert with their hands.

According to a former DeSantis staffer, the Florida Governor often chooses to eat in front of people.

“He would sit in meetings and eat in front of people,” the staffer told The Daily Beast. “Always like a starving animal who has never eaten more.”

The habit seems to be one of the social skills the Republican politician needs to work on, especially if he plans on announcing his run for 2024 president.

Although every president, and candidate, has had their fair share of quirks. From Barack Obama's Blackberry phone addiction to Donald Trump loving McDonald's.

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