
Joe Biden dubs Trump 'Donald Dump' as he jokes about his age

Joe Biden dubs Trump 'Donald Dump' as he jokes about his age
President Biden calls Trump "Donald Dumper."
The News Movement - The Recount / VideoElephant

Joe Biden has produced a brutal two-word nickname for Donald Trump and joked about how long he's been a politician for as the race for the White House continues.

The president was speaking at a rally in Prince George's County, Maryland for Kamala Harris, who has replaced Biden as the Democratic nominee after the 81-year-old announced that he wouldn't be running for re-election back in July.

One of the big criticisms against Biden was that he was too old to be president, something which he hilariously mocked while also coming up with a new jibe for his former opponent.

"The guy we’re running against, what’s his name? Donald Dump, or Donald whatever? They want to get rid of this, what we passed," said Biden, slamming Republican efforts to not work with the Democrats to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies.

Many were impressed with Biden's joke. One person said: "Trump is in his lair beating Don Jr over the head with a thesaurus to get “Rick DeSanctimonious,” and the sundowning sitting president just snipes him with “Donald Dump.”

Another said: "Look, coming from anyone else, the "Donald Dump" comment would be cringe, but, coming from a guy in his eighties, it's actually a pretty sick burn"

A third added: "Donald Dump is a nuke. What a heater. Irish Joe steps aside and then goes weapons-free."

Biden wasn't done there though. “I served in the Senate for 270 years,” Biden joked, clearly seeing the funny side over the concerns surrounding his age.

“I know I only look 40, but I’m a little bit older. I only was 29 when I got elected,” he added, before concluding: “Now I’m too damn old.”

Biden did end on a poignant note highlighting how proud he was to end his political career as US president: "I thank God that in the last three months I’m president of the United States, I was able to finally get done what I tried to get done when I was a young senator, 30 years old. Thank you, God. Thank you.”

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