
When is the 2024 general election going to be?

When is the 2024 general election going to be?
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Prime minister Rishi Sunak has called the general election for this summer, with polling due to take place on July 4.

It had been thought by many people that the election was more likely to have taken place in the Autumn. However, odds tumbled on a summer election earlier today (May 22), and Sunak announced a July election on Wednesday afternoon.

Sunak made the announcement shortly after 5pm, delivering a statement to the world's media as the rain came down outside Downing Street, and protestors gathered outside the gates attempting to disrupt the speech by playing D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’.

The song was famously played during Tony Blair’s successful Labour election campaign.

Sunak said: “We have a plan and are prepared to take direct action to protect our country.

“I am guided from what is right for this country.”

Criticising the Labour party, he says that “they have no plan and there is no bold action."

He added: “On July 5 either me or Keir Starmer will become prime minister.

“I will fight for every vote and I will own your trust.”

The Conservatives have been in Government now since 2010, with three elections having taken place since David Cameron displaced Gordon Brown.

The last UK general election took place in 2019, with the Tories winning a huge victory of 80 seats.

Polling currently predicts a landslide for Labour, with the party sitting around 20-points ahead in the opinion polls.

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