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AI platform blocks ChatGPT mod that discusses Jeffrey Epstein docs

AI platform blocks ChatGPT mod that discusses Jeffrey Epstein docs
Unexpected Celebs Named In The Bombshell Epstein Documents
Nicki Swift / VideoElephant

With hundreds of Jeffrey Epstein court documents released including names of a high profile, one man decided to create an AI mod for others to make sense of the information. Unfortunately for creator Patrick Blumenthal and users, it was short-lived.

"Just made EpsteinGPT to talk to these docs," Blumenthal, who works in venture capital and hosts theNew Frontier podcast, shared to X/Twitter on January 4.

Users shared their interactions online in the following days, with one person asking who was mentioned in the first round of files, and EpsteinGPT answering correctly.

Blumenthal created the tool by compiling the publicly released papers into a PDF, before feeding them into ChatGPT's custom GPT feature, according to Daily Dot.

Explaining the process, he said: "[I] gave it the documents + these instructions, 'You are an expert on the Jeffrey Epstein case and you are helping users understand the newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents. Give as much useful detail as possible and be opinionated.'"

Just two days later, Blumenthal returned to X to share that the mod had "been officially banned," asking: "Why?"

He went on to ponder: "Why would it be controversial to talk with a legal doc from a public filing?"

Blumenthal only managed to load the first thousand pages of documents, telling the publication: "It got shut down by the time all the other stuff [came] out."

The notification he received from OpenAI suggested that it violated their "usage policies and is no longer available for others to use."

As for whether he believed it could be revived, Blumenthal added: "There is no appeal process, unfortunately."

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