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Man drops GoPro off 'world's most dangerous pier' and the results are terrifying

Man drops GoPro off 'world's most dangerous pier' and the results are terrifying
GoPro captures moment fishermen attacked by aggressive bull shark (#141128)
Newsflare Viral / VideoElephant

GoPros, once the preserve of overzealous selfie takers, are being used in increasingly inventive and adventurous ways.

From soaring into space to hijacking predators, these sturdy cameras are doing it all.

And now, an angler has used his own to offer an unprecedented, and chilling, glimpse of what lurks beneath the “world’s most dangerous pier”.

In a video posted on YouTube, Brant Peacher takes a trip to the notorious spot, located on Okaloosa Island, Florida.

Here, he announces that he’s attached a GoPro to his fishing rod in order to show viewers “some pretty crazy stuff swimming around.”

He suggests he and his companions may even try to catch whatever’s prowling the water. Although, it soon becomes clear that this may not be a great idea.

Despite beginning his “GoPro adventure” by dropping the camera into the shallows, Peacher almost instantly captures an ominous sight: a “giant tail”.

It turns out that the “culprit”, as he puts it, is a massive tiger shark, and it’s by no means the only one there.

Among the fish and positively teeming marine life, are “endless amounts of giant sharks”.

"When I say this pier was covered with tiger sharks," the YouTuber stresses: "They were absolutely everywhere."

And if you’re thinking, oh, maybe this is one of those shark species that’s actually pretty harmless, you’re wrong.

As National Geographic notes: “These large, blunt-nosed predators have a duly earned reputation as man-eaters.

“They are second only to great whites in attacking people.”


Put simply, it is the second most dangerous shark species in the world, and you don’t want to swim anywhere near one, let alone “endless amounts” of them.

Peacher’s sobering video has racked up more than 4.7 million views on YouTube, with commentators sharing their astonishment at the footage.

A number revealed that they had naively swum around the pier many times in their youth, but wouldn’t be making the same mistake again.

“I grew up swimming and surfing around that pier,” one wrote. “GoPros and cell phones clarify how clueless I was as a child.”

Another confessed: “I can't tell you how many times I've been swimming in the Pensacola/ Destin area since I was a child. I'm glad I didn't realize what was down there.”

While a third added: “I can’t believe the amount of sharks. Maybe 100 feet from where I was swimming 2 hours ago.”

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