
Woman exposes men who want to split a bill with one simple comment

Woman exposes men who want to split a bill with one simple comment
The $2000 dating rule to avoid 'frightful' sex syndrome from men
New York Post / VideoElephant

A woman's dating tip has divided social media, leaving some in hysterics over the "genius" remark, and others feeling less than impressed.

In a viral TikTok clip that's racked up 7.1 million views, Pearl Botts advised women to say this one simple comment if asked to split the bill.

Acting out the hypothetical date, Pearl pretended to be shocked while picking up the receipt.

"Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed right now. Um, wait you wanted to just be friends? I’m so confused, this whole entire time, I thought this was a date," she said.

The comments immediately came rolling in, with one saying: "'No it’s okay, it’s on me' make him feel like the princess he is".

Another added: "I have never been on a 50/50 date. Choose right you guys. Sprinkle sprinkle."

A waitress chimed in and said, " I always give the bill to the men. ALWAYS".

Meanwhile, others were left baffled with one candidly sharing: "I'm so confused why is it bad to split 50/50."

"You are literally strangers on the first date," another fellow TikToker commented. "Pay for what you order."


would u do this? #datingadvice #datingtips #datingmindset

A separate dating technique has become widespread online, in which women are refusing to sleep with their date unless they spend at least $2,000 on them.

Columnist Jana Hocking said she was warming up the idea, after hearing Joe Rogan candidly open up about PNS.

"The first reason why this new rule is kinda growing on me is that if a guy is willing to go on enough dates to warrant $2,000 out of pocket expense, then there’s a fair chance the guy is properly invested in you," Hocking wrote for AU News.

"I mean, if a libido can withstand that many dates, then he’s a keeper," she continued.

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