People are freaking out over the foot washing Super Bowl commercial super bowlhe gets usjesusnflcommercialscompanysuper bowlFeb 12, 2024
Kamala Harris would shoot someone if they broke into her home kamala harrisdemocratsoprah winfreyus election2024 electionkamala harris4h1726833479
Why is Donald Trump blaming Jewish people if he does not win election? republicans2024 electionisraeljewishus electionrepublicans6h1726826489
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YouTube pause ads arrive - and the internet is furious youtubeadvertinternetredditsocial mediayoutube4h
Nigel Farage shouted down for repeating right-wing conspiracy theory nigel faragepmqshouse of commonsparliamentconspiracy theoriesnigel farageSep 11, 2024
'Moon illusion' has been baffling scientists for thousands of years moonillusionscientistsspaceoptical illusionmoonSep 16, 2024
Man who bought 3 storey house for 85p admits harsh realities italyhousepropertysicilyitalySep 16, 2024