Emily Atack says an Inbetweeners star got too excited while filming a sex scene

Emily Atack says an Inbetweeners star got too excited while filming a sex scene
Emily Atack talks about Inbetweeners sex scenes

Actor and comedian Emily Atack revealed a star from The Inbetweeners got a little bit too excited while filming a sex scene with her for the show.

Although she didn't name exactly who it was, fans of the series will no doubt be able to put two and two together...

Atack appeared in all three series of The Inbetweeners playing the role of Charlotte Hinchcliffe in the year above the four main characters of Will, Simon, Jay and Neil.

She spoke about the encounter on an episode of Shopping With Keith Lemon.

"I don't mind doing scenes like that at all, you just get to lie in bed all day with a nice boy, it's great," Atack said.

Lemon then asked what happens if the boy gets a "happy on".

Atack replied: "Well, do you know what they say? When you're about to do a sex scene, [men] say look, I'm sorry if it happens and I'm sorry if it doesn't because they also don't want you to be offended if it doesn't happen.

"Because I would be f*****g livid."

Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)

Lemon then asked if it happened while filming The Inbetweeners and Atack confirmed it while laughing.

Atack only had one sex scene in the show and fans will remember that awkward encounter with Will in the first series...

The Inbetweeners is a cult classic British sitcom focusing on four boys coming-of-age which has become popular around the world.

There were three series of the show that released between 2008 and 2010 with two films released in 2011 and 2014.

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