Netflix embraces 'most hateable TV show' review on Buying London

Netflix embraces 'most hateable TV show' review on Buying London
Buying London - trailer

Netflix has embraced a review for its new reality property show Buying London which describes it as "probably the most hateable TV show ever made".

Buying London is being dubbed as the UK version of Selling Sunset as glamorous estate agents sell really expensive properties in the English capital - and, of course, there's a shed load of drama long the way.

As well as being able to see inside some of the most exclusive properties on the planet in areas such as Kensington and Chelsea, Mayfair and Belgravia, the show focuses on the personal storylines of the agents themselves and their working relationships.

It's first season is out on the streaming platform and it's got mixed reviews.

One of the more scathing ones is from The Guardian's Rebecca Nicholson, who gave the show zero stars out of five and described it as "probably the most hateable TV show ever made".

But Netflix has embraced this, quoting this on X / Twitter in a post to promote it, saying the show is "stirring up drama on and off screen".

Nicholson penned: "I usually love to gawp at rich people and their wallpaper, but this British version of the real-estate reality show Selling Sunset is tired, tone-deaf and shamefully crass. Watching it will work you up into a total rage.

"Ihate almost everything about Buying London. Which is weird, because I didn't hate Selling Sunset at all."

The Telegraph and The Times gave the series two stars but The Evening Standard gave it four.

India Block wrote: "Buying London shows the Netflix formula can indeed translate across the pond.

"The audience is here for the gossip! The intrigue! The in-fighting! The drama! Netflix has this formula nailed down and Buying London doesn't deviate from the Selling Sunset beats.

"It elevates the everyday experience of having housemates, a family, a job, a crush to epic proportions that look as dramatic on-screen as they feel inside."

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