
Are you smarter than the most knowledgeable town in Britain?

Southampton has been crowned the "most knowledgeable" city in the UK, after its inhabitants came top in a geography quiz.

A UK-wide survey by Jury's Inn hotels found that people in the south coast city answered the most questions correctly when quizzed on iconic landmarks, maps and other trivia.

Here are the most knowledgeable cities in the UK, according to the survey:

1. Southampton (52%)

2. Bristol (51%)

3. Leeds (50%)

4. Nottingham (49%)

5. Edinburgh (48%)

6. London (47%)

7. Liverpool (46%)

8. Birmingham (44%)

9. Belfast (42%)

10. Sheffield (41%)

To see how you compare to the brainboxes of Southampton, take an adapted version of the quiz below. Let us know how you get on and where you live in the comments at the bottom of the page:

All location photos courtesy of Getty. Maps via Jury's Inn.

More: Are you better at maths than an 11-year-old?

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