
Right-wing commentator complains 'woke' video game's female main character is 'unattractive'

Right-wing commentator complains 'woke' video game's female main character is 'unattractive'
Fable: Xbox Games Showcase Trailer

A right-wing commentator has complained that the main female character in a new video game is “unattractive” and blamed it on “woke” feminists.

Fable is a series of action role-playing video games and a trailer for its newest release premiered on Monday (June 12).

The trailer featured The IT Crowd actor Richard Ayoade starring as a veggie-growing giant named Dave, who looks set to play a starring role.

But for right-winger Ian Miles Cheong it was the unnamed female main character that caught his eye for being “weirdly unattractive”.

In a tweet, Cheong claimed there’s a current trend in video games where the female characters are intentionally made to be ugly and suggested it’s all down to “woke intersectional feminists”.

Sharing a screenshot of the Fable character, he wrote: “This is the main character of the new Fable game from Microsoft.

“Continuing the trend of weirdly unattractive female main characters in video games, because beauty is objectifying. This is what happens when you consult with woke intersectional feminists.”

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It didn’t take long for other people to completely ridicule and mock Cheong’s comments.

One person joked: “(Seeing a video game character I don’t want to have hot steamy sex with) Western civilization has fallen.”

Another pointed out: “Hi Ian, pro tip: you are not required to be sexually attracted to video game characters for the game to be fun. Hope this helps!”

It’s not the first time Cheong has drawn criticism for his comments as he was previously absolutely annihilated by a history expert after claiming that the Nazis were “socialist”.

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