
Four Seasons Total Landscaping invites Boris Johnson to do a press conference at notorious spot

Four Seasons Total Landscaping invites Boris Johnson to do a press conference at notorious spot
Boris Johnson resigns as prime minister

The Four Seasons Total Landscaping company that famously hosted a Donald Trump campaign press conference has trolled Boris Johnson in the most hilarious way.

In November 2020, just days after Trump had lost the presidential election to Joe Biden, people speculated that the Trump campaign had wrongly booked the Four Seasons Total Landscaping to host a press conference instead of the Four Seasons hotel.

Today, Prime Minister Johnson resigned as the leader of the Conservative party after coming under huge pressure to do so with resignations from more than 50 ministers and aides.

Ahead of his anticipated resignation, a parody Twitter account of the landscaping company hilariously mocked Johnson, suggesting that they were ready and waiting to host the press conference, saying they have “some experience”.

They wrote: “.@BorisJohnson .@10DowningStreet. Just touching base - we feel the time is right for a press conference.

“We have some experience with this sort of thing…”

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The tweet has gone viral with almost 70,000 likes and people in the comments praising their hilarious dig at Johnson.

A parody account for Johnson’s cat Larry got in on the action, replying: “We’ll be in touch.”

Someone else wrote: “Someone alert the burns unit.”

Another replied: “I’ve got to admit the international shade is strong here!”

Not to be outdone, the official Twitter account for Four Seasons Total Landscaping tweeted something similar, writing: “.@BorisJohnson come through. We have the site prepped.”

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