
4 things you should never ever Google

4 things you should never ever Google

Warning: This article contains NSFW and disturbing subject matter.

Google is what paper-bound encyclopaedias were 100 years ago.

However unlike these books, Google gives you access to information which actually doesn't contribute to your learning.

Reddit users have come together to list a few terms that you really ought not to search for online.

Some of these will be NSFW, and we do not recommend Googling.


1. The Gag reflex

This is the body’s natural ability to save itself from death.

It is also something else.

Something you probably don’t need to see.

Especially not at work.

2. Degloving

Imagine this: Arnold Schwarzenegger's arm-cutting scene in the Terminator.

Don't search for it.

3. Blue Waffle

Searching this will take you to images of a fictitious STI that affects women.

Though proven to be false, the images will remain in your mind long after you've stopped looking.

​4. Squidward Toenail VS Sofa

Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants is moving a sofa and it scrapes against his toenail.

The clip will make you recoil.

We warned you.

More: 11 things you should never Google

More: 11 questions you should never Google

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