A social media influencer has received a huge amount of criticism for sharing a TikTok video of her husband crying during a private moment with himself.
Jaclyn Singletary Gibson, who has more than 200,000 followers on Instagram alone, shared a video on Monday on both TikTok and Instagram of her husband lying on his stomach next to their outdoor pool and crying to himself.
In the post, which has been deleted on Instagram, but is still available on Instagram, Gibson wrote: “Today, I could tell Seth was just off. He was putting together a bed and the frustration that stemmed from very little inconveniences made it evident that it was bigger than just the bed and that he needed a breather. I told him to go outside, get some sun, take some deep breaths, ask the Lord for help and to take his time.”
He added: “Tears rolled down his eyes and the second he stepped outside he let them roll. It’s those moments where I remember that the responsibility a man holds is heavy. That he has tender feelings and emotions and hormones and all the things that we tend to forget when it comes to our superhero husbands.”
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She concluded by saying: “Here’s your daily reminder to go kiss your guy on the forehead, ask them how they’re really doing and give them the freedom to REALLY feel without judgment.”
Many have since been able to ‘duet’ with the clip via TikTok, where the majority of the backlash has come from, whereas Instagram was much more receptive.
@imthebalaban said in his take on the clip: “If I saw my wife crying in the backyard because she wasn’t comfortable crying in front of me, I think the first thing I would do is film it and put it on TikTok.”
@imthebalaban #duet with @thegibsonfam 😬
Due to the overwhelming amount of criticism being aimed at her Gibson has a lengthy statement on the issue in her Instagram stories.
Gibson said that the “video went viral in the worst possible way” and called the critical comments “repulsive and obnoxious.”
She went on to say that she deleted the video on TikTok “because I don’t want people to come on my page and think that I’m a horrifying person or wife because I posted [a] video of Seth crying.”
Gibson went on to add: “This community is sacred to me - I LOVE what we have created to this point and I have literally zero tolerance for foolishness or unnecessary commentary or pointed questions regarding that video.”
“The people in this circle are ones who are uplifting and kind and intentional and encouraging and lovely and I refuse to let that be ruined by people who simply do not know me nor care to.”