The Lake District rental had a spooky old door in the middle of the floor
A man discovered a mysterious, random trap door while on a weekend retreat at a holiday rental property. After further investigation, he then found a set of dusty stairs that led to what can only be described as a green murky swamp.
Robert shared the video to TikTok saying, “Not my usual content, but this was too spooky not to share. Was not expecting that!”
He was on a family weekend away in the Lake District with his wife, baby, and dog Samson. Upon arriving, it was hard to miss the large wooden door in the middle of the floor which was partially hidden by the sofa.
He explained “So, we’ve come away for a lovely little weekend retreat in this lovely little cottage...”
Pointing to the randomly placed door, he quizzed, “But erm, I can’t help but notice... Where does this go?”
Robert got more than he bargained for on his weekend away in the Lake District@robertibus (TikTok)
Curiosity led him to want to know what lay beneath, and with a brief furniture reshuffle, he was able to unlock the creepy basement door.
Robert’s curiosity led him to unlock “old-school handle”@robertibus (TikTok)
A set of old, dusty stairs led to a small room half-filled with green swap-like water. To his surprise, he said, “This is terrifying. What the flip - oh gosh, it’s water.
What the heck, it’s quite deep and very green - what on earth is this. There’s a drain in the middle, what creepy a** thing is living in here...”
The door revealed a dark, cobwebbed room - half-full with green water @robertibus (TikTok)
“So turns out we’ve booked the holiday home of a swamp monster so that’s good, maybe he knows where the remote’s gone”, he added.
The video racked up 116.9k views in 24 hours with over 5,000 curious comments.
One shocked user commented: “Whaaaat? You have to find out what this is!”
While another made a comparison to the infamous Chamber of Secrets in Harry Potter: “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. The enemies of the heir, beware.”
Robert has since created a follow-up video and unfortunately, it’s nowhere near as spooky as we anticipated. He suspects that a dye solution had been added to a severe leak in the basement to figure out where the water was coming from.
He concluded, “Maybe the creepy basement isn’t as creepy as we think.”
We’re glad he cleared that up.
You can watch the video in full here.