A man's reaction after his girlfriend caught the bouquet at a wedding has gone viral, and it's easy to see why.
This video perfectly captured what a lot of men might feel in the seconds after it happens to them.
There's no other way to say it.
Reddit users were quick to praise the cameraman for catching the moment on film so quickly, and one user said:
Thought I was watching the office for a second.
A wedding isn't really a wedding unless something goes wrong anyway is it? I was helping set up a friend's wedding before the bride and groom arrived at the venue last year that all seemed to be going swimmingly until a guest sidled up to me and whispered:
The pianist has forgotten his shirt.
Prompting a panic that resulted in a last-minute rush to Primark and me telling a 45-year-old man that no, he could not play in 'just a waistcoat.'
So it could be worse.
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