Joe Vesey-Byrne
Aug 30, 2016

Picture: Imgorthand/iStock
The Daily Mail is panicking its readers with news that children at Center Parcs are going to be inundated with porn because there's no blocker on the wifi.
A middle class bank holiday weekend classic, the family trip to dystopian Truman Show domes in the Midlands, Center Parcs is losing it's family friendly rating because it's possible your child might look at porn that they themselves have looked up...
The only problem with this outrage is that Center Parcs said it was up to families to put blockers on their own devices. The paper then mentions its own campaign to make it easier for readers to put a block on porn in their own home, but putting one on the family tablet is too much to ask of parents worried about this.
Those who 'raised the alarm' about this travesty, also seem have overlooked the fact that porn doesn't just look itself up on Google, and having a conversation with your child about internet safety will do a lot of good. It's not as if Center Parcs is streaming X-rated videos onto the roof of the indoor pool. The resort company have stated that while they do not control what visitors look up on the wifi, they do block illegal content.
Still, people need something to be outraged about something, and MailOnline quoted John Carr the secretary of UK Council for Child Internet Safety.
It is very disappointing that a supposedly family-oriented business like Center Parcs doesn’t see the importance of an issue like this...They need to wake up to their responsibilities.
To give this problem the perspective it's due, here are some of the other problems middle class people have had to endure this bank holiday weekend.
An email from an app you used once.
Coming up with snacks for that sunday night drink session
The libations are flowing
Anything involving nespresso on a weekend when the sun is out!
They make it sound like there are such things as 'bad biscuits'
Stop pests from ruining that bank holiday picnic
More: A woman called police because she was worried there were Pokemon in her house
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