
Flight passenger who 'manspread' for six hours told to put his 'leg in his own ****ing seat'

Flight passenger who 'manspread' for six hours told to put his 'leg in his own ****ing seat'
The problem with manspreading - London Live

A man has sparked backlash for defending himself for manspreading on a 6-hour flight to the extent that it caused the woman in the seat next to him to complain.

The anonymous 26-year-old man attempted to make his case in a post on Reddit’s AITA (Am I The A**hole) community.

The man wrote: “I'm tall and am never comfortable on planes. My knees always dig into the seat in front and it can be quite painful.”

He explained that he was seated in between two women on a flight and admitted that at points during the journey, his knee had overstepped his neighbour's leg space.

The post read: “About half an hour after takeoff I found my left knee inching to the side for the sweet relief of open space -- specifically, the no-man's-land in between seats, level with the shared armrest.

“But I wasn't paying attention to my knee the entire time. I'll concede it's possible that at some point I was occupying space that rightfully belonged to my window seat neighbor.”

The man said that around 2 hours into the flight, his seat neighbour called over a flight attendant who ripped into him.

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He claimed: “The woman in the window seat called over the flight attendant. She asked her something like ‘Could you tell him to keep his ****ing leg in his own ****ing seat’.

“With horror, I understood she was talking about me. I instantly retracted my leg in deep shame.”

The man continued, saying that the woman also referenced something about “his enormous d**k”, suggesting that she believed he was doing it to be more comfortable in the crotch area.

The woman proceeded to ignore the man for the rest of the flight and he said he snooped at her watching videos on her phone and texting someone.

In the comments, people were less than complimentary about the man’s behaviour.

One user wrote: “YTA (you’re the a**hole). 1: this is a known, reoccurring issue. You KNOW you will feel better with more leg space. Stop pinching Pennie’s and pay for an aisle seat or an exit seat. There are options !

“2. By wanting the woman to tell you if she is bothered by your invasion of her space, you make it her responsibility instead of just not doing it. women can feel too vulnerable to confront a tall guy (your own admission) by themselves especially when they are stuck in the window seat and cannot exit if the guy gets angry. she didn’t call the attendant to tell you to move, she called her to have an authority figure to help her make a point.

“3. And then there is the snooping. Seriously dude ?! You thought what? Oh, this woman has already found me intrusive before, let’s double down ?”

Another wrote: “YTA. Pay for extra legroom. Having some random guy pressing his leg against me is enough to make me get up from my bus or train seat because it creeps me out.

“I don't like being touched, and I make sure I always try to avoid it. You need to be mindful of those around you.”

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