Mimi Launder
Apr 09, 2018
It's Testicular Cancer Awareness Month and the Movember Foundation is asking men just how well they know their nuts.
2,200 British men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer this year - and it usually strikes young.
In the UK, testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15 to 49. Men with undescended testes at birth, have a family history of testicular cancer or who have had testicular cancer before are also at an increased risk.
Here's what you need to know about testicular cancer, plus links to further resources.
1. It takes just one minute to check your nuts
It takes just one minute to check. To find out what normal feels like for you, try out the Movember Foundation’s guide to checking your nuts:
- Get steamy. A warm shower will put your nuts in the mood.
- Roll one nut between thumb and fingers to get to know what’s normal.
- Repeat with the other nut.
If you notice a change in size or shape, a lump that wasn’t there before, or if they become painful to touch, see a doctor. Don’t panic, but do get it checked out.
Sam Gledhill, Global Director Testicular Cancer at the Movember Foundation, said:
With testicular cancer, it really is so important to understand what feels normal for you and to go see a doctor if something changes. Most of the time, testicular cancer presents as a lump or pain in the testicle, an increase in size or change in the way a testicle feels.
An action as simple as knowing what feels normal and getting some medical advice if things change can, quite literally, save lives.
2. Seventy per cent of men do not perform regular checks
Anne-Cécile Berthier, country director at the Movember Foundation, points out that although most men will have a normal experience after a self-check, there is still a critical need for them to know the facts and be proactive about their health. She said:
The majority of men who self check will have nothing to worry about.
But we want men to know their nuts because those who check their testicles often and go to a doctor when something doesn’t feel right are usually left in good standing. We want men to take action for their health to live happier, healthier, longer lives.
3. Testicular cancer is highly treatable
It can be effectively treated and often cured if diagnosed early. Advanced testicular cancer can bet treated with treatment including surgery and chemotherapy or radiotherapy
4. The Movember Foundation has launched a brand new resource for men with testicular cancer
TrueNTH Testicular Cancer is an online resource that provides information tailored to the needs of men at different stages of the disease, and connects them with a community to chat with other men who have been diagnosed.
5. You can buy your own Know Thy Nuts soap-on-rope
Picture: Movember FoundationÂ
"It’s a ballsy move, but we reckon this soap will be right at home in your shower, bathtub, or guest bathroom," the website declares, and adds:
While you’re admiring your fine new pair of soapy nads, take a moment to get to know your own.
If you notice any lumps, swelling, pain or anything that doesn’t feel right, see a doctor
All proceeds support the Movember Foundation's testicular initiatives.
Find out more on Movember's work in testicular cancer here and access the TrueNTH testicular cancer resources here.
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