Matthew Champion
Jul 11, 2015

Last month this photo was posted on Reddit under the caption 'my friend caught the bouquet. That is her boyfriend in the background'.
What was meant to be a joke about commitment-phobia soon degenerated into a competition to find the most offensive way to say the man was punching above his weight in the relationship.
The photo eventually found its way back to Ashley Stevens and her boyfriend Christopher Glenn Reed, both 21 and from Georgia in the US.
Her defence of her boyfriend of two and a half years puts the haters to the sword. She wrote on Facebook:
It surprises me how many people are so quick to judge when they don't even know you.
Well, let me just tell you, I won the jackpot with Christopher. He may not have rock hard abs like the world tells girls to want in a guy, but really, why does that even matter when you are trying to really find someone to spend the rest of your life with?
He is so thoughtful and patient, he always shows me how he loves me in little ways, he is my best friend. I love him for who he is and he loves me for who I am. Understanding, loving, and hilarious, which is so rare to find these days!
She went on to write:
I know God will use us both for awesome things because we make a great team! So as of us and those rude comments, we know the truth and we will block out the haters. ;) Enjoy our picture though. LOL.
Our first date, to last year, to this year. :)
Posted by Ashley Stevens on Sunday, 22 February 2015
More: This woman had the best response when a Tinder date said she was too fat to love
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