TikToker Hannah had to deal with an extremely difficult customer who was being homophobic
A woman has gone viral on TikTok after she impressively shut down a homophobic caller over the phone.
TikToker Hannah (@actuallynothx) posted the exchange where she explained the caller was “mad” due to Hannah’s company posting about Pride Month on their social media.
You can watch the video in full here.
The caller blamed Hollywood for “glorifying ‘this culture’” - the LGBTQ+ community - and accused Hannah’s company of doing the same.
“I am SO offended,” she added.
But Hannah wasn’t going to let her get away with her blatant homophobia and proceeded to make an excellent point.
“Well ma’am people all around the world, and all around the country, and businesses, have been glorifying straight culture for hundreds and hundreds of years,” she said.
This appeared to anger the woman further as she yelled: “You are FORCING this culture on our children.”
Hannah kept her composure and replied: ““Ma’am if you would rather yell at me than have a discussion, I’m going to hang up the phone.”
Hannah finally had enough of the woman’s verbal abuse and hung up on her.TikTok/actuallynothx
“YOU ARE A DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING,” the woman shouted.
After a barrage of verbal abuse, Hannah finally had enough and shut the woman down once and for all.
“Okay, well I think you’re disgusting. Bye,” she replied and then hung up the phone on her.
The exchange has since gone viral with over 756,000 views, 137,000 likes and hundreds of people praising Hannah for hanging up on her.
One person said: “YOU HUNG UP ON HER,” along with several applause emojis.
“I wish every company let us stand up to customers like you’re standing up to this lady,” another person wrote.
Someone else replied: “Omg the patience was impressive.”
“Hell yes for boundaries in a discussion,” a fourth person added.