
What is the Wordle answer for 12 May?

What is the Wordle answer for 12 May?
Does Playing Wordle Make You Smarter?
Independent TV

Warning: Spoiler ahead.

It's hard to fathom what life was like before Wordle took over the internet. Now, 327 days in, and it's become our daily five minutes of joy.

If you're new to the game, the rules are simple. You have six chances at guessing a randomly generated five letter word.

If the square turns green, you have placed the correct letter in the right location.

A yellow square means you have guessed a correct letter, but it's not in the right location.

A grey square means that it's incorrect.

To make sure you don't lose your streak and before we reveal all, we’ll give you a hint: A hammock was [...] between two trees.

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The answer for today is "SLUNG", suspend or arrange (something), especially with a strap or straps, so that it hangs loosely in a particular position.

Didn't guess today's word? Then don't worry. There is always tomorrow!

And if you are getting a little bored of Wordle - how about you try some of the alternative games knocking about the internet at the moment? There are some goodies...

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