
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman can't stop trolling each other


The latest Wolverine film is out now and looks like our favourite grumpy mutant origin story is entering its final chapter.

To promote the new movie Logan, Hugh Jackman has been travelling the world, meeting fans, talking to the press and generally having a lot of fun:

While all of this has been going on, our favourite anti-Hero Deadpool, has been expertly trolling him…

This is the kind of brotherly bickering we've been privy too...

And it isn’t the first time Deadpool has been cheeky on Twitter...

And Logan even sort-of featured in the Deadpool film...

Picture:Picture: Deadpool/Twentieth Century Fox

To which Jackman responded to in kind:

There's also this interview that Reynolds hijacked...

But he loves the Wolverine really...

HT BuzzFeed

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