
A primary school teacher's daily greeting ritual for her class has gone viral for a touching reason

A primary school teacher's daily greeting ritual for her class has gone viral for a touching reason

A kindergarten teacher has incorporated the most adorable morning ritual for her young students and it's positively heartwarming.

Ashley Taylor from Burleson, Texas, is a teacher at Keene Elementary where she teaches five and six-year-olds.

Every single morning, the 41-year-old has her class start the day off right by having them all greet each other with handshakes and hugs.

A video showing the lovely morning activity has gone viral and it's thawing the ice-cold hearts of hundreds and thousands of people all over the world who are thrilled to see children learning such a powerful lesson at a young age.

Ashley has been teaching for 18 years and she uploaded the video of her class on Facebook on 21 May.

In the video you see a little boy in orange patiently waiting as each of his classmates walks up to him to greet him.

They all stand in an orderly line and when it's their turn they say good morning to each other, and even go for a big hug after shaking hands.

In an interview with Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Mrs. Taylor talks about how the recent school shootings have been 'eye opening', she said:

Maybe if some of those kids had felt like someone was on their side, things would have happened differently. I understand there are lots of factors that play into those situations. But what if, you know?

She goes on to say:

When I see the direction the world is heading, it reminds me what I am doing WILL make a difference!

Ashley believes the morning routine teaches the class not only manners, but that "someone is on their side"

H/T: Daily Mail

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