
Pupil trolls teacher with brutal responses to their Christmas homework

Lisa Vale/ Twitter

No matter what age you are homework will always be a real drag.

So when one kid was given homework to do during the Christmas break he did not hold back his feelings on the issue.

To the best of his ability, Lisa Vale's seven-year-old Angus managed to put off his English homework for three weeks but when she finally made him sit down to do it he had a little plan up his sleeve.

The simple task demanded that he create ten sentences which included at least one of the following words; over, one, little, can, two, that, out, said, off and three.

Rather than concoct a series of standard sentences, Angus apparently chose to write about his least favourite subject and the results are spectacular.

We can't endorse his opinions on homework but you have to admire his honesty and creativity behind the stunt.

Lisa shared his notes on social media and her followers we impressed.

Speaking to Indy100 Lisa disclosed a little more information about Angus's homework and how he reacted to.

There’s not a whole lot to the story other than my son, Angus, waited until the last minute of his three-week break to do his homework and went into doing it very disgruntled and put off.

But as he started to do it and I was cleaning around the house I heard him giggling more and more until he was in a fit of full-blown laughter before declaring loudly, “DONE!”

According to Lisa the new term at her son's school hasn't started yet so they are yet to find out if his teacher will appreciate his work or not.

More: This kid's homework has baffled everyone

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