
Family pull together to buy the house where their ancestors picked cotton

Decker Ngongang

Decker Ngongang and his extended family gathered for an important Christmas celebration in South Carolina last year, in a very special house.

A while back, Decker's mum Dorothy and her nine siblings lived there and picked cotton from the surrounding land. Dorothy told BuzzFeed that her ancestors lived there too and also worked on the farm.

The Giles family lived on the Jonesville farm under a sharecropping deal - the owner allows people to live on the land in return for shares of the crops produced.

The family recalled memories in a series of photos and videos shared on Twitter by Mr Ngongang. His uncle even showed him the pond he swam in with venomous snakes because "he respected them." Dorothy told BuzzFeed:

We reminisce about playing under the porch, and how we just love looking at that beautiful white house with the wraparound porch.

Mr Ngongang explains on Twitter how his family pooled their funds together to buy the house and the land. This was the first year the family came together to the house again and his story has prompted a wave of support and left many inspired.

One Twitter user made the astute observation:

Dude, there’s an important and fascinating book in your life. Write it.

Here are some photos from the fantastic family get together:

HT BuzzFeed

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