Greg Evans
Feb 24, 2018
Han Myung-Gu/Getty Images for Disney/Twitter
If you haven't seen Black Panther yet we encourage you to stop what you are doing and go to the next nearest screening right away.
There are many elements of the movie to get excited about but the performance of Michael B. Jordan as the villain Killmonger is high up on the list.
The 31-year-old actor is quickly becoming one of the most celebrated and talked about stars in all of Hollywood and his status is only likely to grow following the success of Black Panther.
However, one individual on Twitter was clearly getting bored of Michael hogging all the limelight and decided to share a few snippets of information about the actor with the rest of the world.
The actor hit back with a hilarious tweet which clarified his height and his love for anime.
People loved Jordan's response especially his reference to the anime shows Dragonball Z and Naruto Shippuden.
Even the queen of Twitter, Chrissy Teigen got involved.
To make this exchange even better Maile Flanagan, who voices Naruto, complimented Jordan on his Black Panther performance.
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