
This is what happened when Nigel Farage met Rupert Murdoch

This is what happened when Nigel Farage met Rupert Murdoch

Last week Nigel Farage went on Fox News and it was generally awful.

We've now learned that it was much more awful than we initially thought, because during an advert break on Sean Hannity's eponymous show, anchor Neil Cavuto sidled over to the Ukip leader and said: "Sir… The boss wants to see you. The big boss."

The "big boss" in question is Rupert Murdoch, who wanted to speak to Farage about the defection of Conservative MP Douglas Carswell, whose move to Ukip has triggered a by-election in his Clacton constituency - a by-election set to be held on David Cameron's birthday.

Farage later told the Observer: "It wasn't planned but I was asked to meet the boss - we have met before - and I was happy to oblige.

"This is an 83-year-old guy whose finger is firmly on the pulse of what is happening in British and world politics. He was generally interested in hearing about the Carswell story, but beyond that I am going to have to disappoint you. It was a private conversation. We had a good chat."




Plus ça change.

More: The 12 ways in which Ukip is the gift that keeps on giving

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