
100 years of male and female beauty trends in the US - in a single minute

Picture: WatchCut Video/YouTube
Picture: WatchCut Video/YouTube

Since the original 100 years of female beauty video was released a year ago, there have been many, many revisions, exploring trends over a century for different nationalities and subcultures.

Now the series has looked towards African-American beauty standards in the United States over the past century.

Chris Chan, a visual anthropologist and the 100 years of beauty series director said:

We have explored hegemonic beauty in the first video, but the entire time the 100 years was happening, there was another but parallel beauty tradition for black men.

Watch the full video, below:

For instance, for the 1910s we took from an image from 1912 of a young couple, from which we knew it would be essential to wear a hat in civilised society.

And in Black History Month especially, it's very important to recognise how many black men served in World War Two - for the 1940s.

For the 90s we included a flat top, you might remember a flat top on Will Smith from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is actually an interesting symbol, because we have in Will Smith's character a person who is trying to mediate middle class existence, coming from the inner city.

You cannot look at The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air without thinking about Rodney King and the LAPD incidents, about race riots, about urban blight, about kinds of violence that are happening to black bodies in US cities.

For more information on how the beauty trends were achieved for the men, see the research video, below - the research video for female trends has yet to be published.

More:100 years of female beauty trends: the realistic version

More:Watch 100 years of female beauty trends in one minute

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