Lowenna Waters
Aug 31, 2018

Staras / iStock Getty
Women are used to being bombarded with images of perfectly toned, honed, waxed, tanned and groomed ladies in order to sell us things.
However, things are beginning to change - and for the better.
Many brands are beginning to cotton on to the fact that the use of emaciated models in advertising is directly linked to surges in eating disorders among men and women.
Studies have proved that the BMI (Body Mass Index) of fashion models is considerably lower than that of the general population, that 40 per cent of young people are dissatisfied with their body image, and that body satisfaction was significantly reduced among young people after viewing media images of thin models.
In recent years, there has been a backlash against this damaging trend in the fashion industry. Brands such as ASOS, Target, Old Navy and even Vogue magazine are deciding to promote 'plus size' models instead of the usual thinner types, which has been proved to be good for women's mental health.
Now, lingerie brand Figleaves is challenging stereotypes with its latest 'confidence looks great on you' campaign. The models featured aren't Photoshopped, and they've got stretch marks and rolls available. They're also using models of a wide-range of ethnicities, as well as body shapes.
Jeni Burt, head of buying at the brand told Someecards:
Figleaves welcomes all women and it’s important they feel visually represented when they visit our website…
This is a journey for us. We recognise we have a way to go but are fully committed to becoming truly inclusive.
The models featured in the campaign are also extremely excited by the campaign.
Model Khrystyana Kazakova said on Instagram:
I used to be afraid to look at myself in the mirror, because I assumed that what I saw was flawed.
It wasn't until I took time to focus on self love that I realized that everything I saw under those pretty lingerie sets was truly unique and awesome.
And that confidence is frankly… contagious. You share it naturally! People around me tend to also feel super confident when we all head to the beach for example.
Another, Jennifer Atimile, said:
I know this sounds silly, but I have always believed that everyone has been placed on this earth with a purpose.
I’ve always held a strong belief that my purpose was to help others, and that is what inspires me.
I know that I can’t change the world, but changing the life of an individual with my acts, that’s already massive.
So whether it’s through my modelling work of promoting self love and body positivity, or whether it’s through campaigning for rights, it’s all important.
Take a look at the campaign photographs below:
HT Someecards
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