Two pensioners will attempt a wing-walk at over 100ft in aid of charity Cats Protection.
Dorothy Hyman, 73, and Cherry Lorberg, 74, who volunteer at the charity’s Bournemouth branch, will be strapped to the wings of a Boeing Stearman biplane for the fundraising challenge on August 29.
The two pensioners are no strangers to extreme feats, with Ms Lorberg undertaking a skydive in 2016, and Ms Hyman taking on a wing-walk for her 70th birthday in 2018.
“At 74 I still like the thrill and adrenaline rush of doing daft things,” Ms Lorberg said.
The pair will reach between 100ft and 700ft when they attempt the wing-walk over Compton Abbas Airfield in Wiltshire.
Ms Lorberg said: “My partner Ian did a wing-walk last year in between lockdowns and I’d already had the idea of doing one after speaking to Dorothy a little time ago.
“I have a bit more trepidation than for the skydive, but at the end of the day lockdown prevented us from doing any face-to-face fundraising and we do need the funds to continue providing for the welfare of the many cats and kittens locally that need our help.”
Ms Hyman added: “Like Cherry I enjoy a challenge in life, age being no barrier, and if I can help benefit cats it’s all worthwhile.
“After what has been a very difficult year for all charities, I hope I can get lots of sponsorship and raise as much money as possible for Cats Protection to continue to help needy cats.”
Gina Rogers, the charity’s challenge events officer, said: “Dorothy and Cherry are such an inspiration, they must both have nerves of steel.
“Both ladies are outstanding volunteers who give their time and hearts freely to help cats in their local areas, going above and beyond to ensure no cat in need is left behind.
“I can’t wait to see them soaring through the skies as they climb to those breathtaking heights in the open air.”
The pair have raised almost £600 collectively, and are hoping to reach £2,300 together.
To see Ms Hyman’s fundraising page visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/dorothywingwalk2021
To see Ms Lorberg’s fundraising page visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cherry-wingwalksforcats