
Cards Against Humanity is expertly trolling Donald Trump and people are loving it

The witty team behind foul-mouthed, anarchic card game Cards Against Humanity have once again outdone themselves.

The company is typically known for silly stunts; including mocking superbowl culture and a $100,000 hole in the ground. Now, Cards Against Humanity are saving America (at least that's how they put it).

If you give them $15 - or if you did, as the entire project is now unsurprisingly sold out - you'll receive six surprises.

This is the first step in their America-saving plan:

We have purchased a plot of vacant land on the border and retained a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built.

Twitter is overjoyed with the move to stop Trump's wall.

Some are fans of the company's noble political principles. Others - well...

When a game that prides itself on being 'Against Humanity' does more for humanity than the President, perhaps its time for POTUS to have a policy rethink.

Now we just have to wait for the remaining five surprises. Who's excited?

More: How cartoonists around the world reacted to Donald Trump's victory

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