
Larry David's daughter sparks intense debate with ‘cringey’ essay about sex and food

Larry David's daughter sparks intense debate with ‘cringey’ essay about sex and food

A new essay about a fairly banal topic – being too full to have sex – has managed to spark serious outrage across social media for numerous reasons.

Cazzie David, 26, who is perhaps best known for being comedian Larry David’s daughter, published an essay in The Cut on Tuesday and it did not land particularly well. The essay, entitled “Too Full to F***”, is an excerpt from her new book “No One Asked For This”, which was released on the same day.

The premise (and joke?) of the piece is that David doesn't have room in her body for a penis if she's eaten too much food that day.

It starts: "For straight couples, there is one key difference be­tween sex for the male and for the female: a woman gets a penis inserted into her while a man gets to insert his penis into someone else. That’s all nice and good. Sex is pleasurable for both genders. But from what I’ve discovered, only one gender has to save room in her body if a penis is to go into it — mean­ing that sometimes, if you’ve eaten a hearty meal, there isn’t enough room for a penis."

While the experience of eating too much – and therefore being too full to have sex is quite relatable for most people – the piece was called out for, first of all, being “deeply, deeply unfunny”.

This, of course, is not a crime and just a matter of opinion – but is perhaps stinging criticism for someone whose father is a critically acclaimed comedian.

Beyond that, others found the excerpt dry, “cringey”, “unreadable” and not especially eye-opening or forward-thinking.

It felt like it was “written like 12 years ago. Who still talks about men and sex like this??” One person commented.

"Honestly the most offensive part is the boring/bad writing and not the cishet essentialist bs," @mxacdumlao wrote.

Most importantly, though, the essay opened a debate about how to write about sex in a progressive way.

Tawny Lara wrote, “I couldn’t get past the second paragraph where she says ‘both genders’.”

Others were exasperated about the ease with which celebrities' offspring are lauded for their talents (and subsequently get book deals): “My problem isn't that Cazzie David wrote a book. It's that the spawn of celebrities always have a head start in entertainment, and as long as they ~acknowledge~ it, we're supposed to pretend like it's fine because they're somewhat talented,” Scarlett McCarthy wrote.

"I have read like six paragraphs of the Cazzie David essay and I cannot read another but man having rich well-connected parents seems like the most incredible drug in the world," writer Amanda Mull agreed.

There was indeed one 'lone dissenter' who "enjoyed this...because as a straight man there are things about women I’ll never learn unless women say them - how would I know otherwise?"

To which another person responded, "you may want to pay attention to all the women being COMPLETELY perplexed by this."

Mostly though, people mocked David about the anatomical inaccuracy of the whole thing. As @joangossips joked: “Food is stored in the vagina... we're all learning things today”.

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