Louis Staples
Oct 05, 2018
Just when we thought the political climate across the pond couldn’t sink any lower, a North Carolina republican leader has attempted to ridicule Dr Christine Blasey Ford on Facebook by sharing a fake meme.
The photo, which is not actually of Dr Ford, was accompanied by the caption:
This is the alleged sexual assault victim. Wow.
Posting a photograph from a random internet meme, which he pretended was of Dr Ford, he implied Ford was too ugly to be sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh, president Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. Kavanaugh, who is expected to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice this weekend, strongly denies Ford’s allegations.
Cabarrus County republican chairman Lanny Lancaster defended his decision to share the mocking post. Bizarrely, he blasted the "media" for wanting Americans "to think she was a beautiful young lady".
Democratic candidate for North Carolina's 8th congressional district, Frank McNeill, criticised the post.
He said:
Now, Republican attacks on Dr Blasey Ford are coming from inside our own 8th District. Cabarrus County Republican Chair, Lanny Lancaster, posted his nastiness on Facebook just last night!
Lancaster responded:
I didn’t say anything. I just said this is her picture. Basically, the media is distorting the facts on this lady. Everything she’s said is made up. She has no evidence whatsoever. I support that theory
The media wants you to think she was a beautiful young lady who was on her way home from the tennis courts….I just wanted you to see the real person. I wanted people to see that this is really her.
Though the photograph, from an unknown year book of an unknown person, is certainly not of Ford.
H/T: Newsweek
More: Trump and Kavanaugh will despise this Time Magazine cover, so please don't share it
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