
If your partner is well travelled they may be more likely to cheat on you


Travelling to loads of countries can make you more likely to cheat, according to researchers from Columbia University.

They carried out a series of tests for their study, titled 'The dark side of going abroad'.

First, they asked 215 students to complete an anagram task one month before travelling, six months after arriving at their destination, and 12 months after.

They found that 30 per cent cheated on the first test, and 47.7 cheated on the second and third.

They then split 171 students into three groups. One group were asked to write about an experience they had at home, one about an experience they had abroad, and a control group wrote about their last visit to the supermarket. They then all took part in a test where they were given the opportunity to cheat.

Those who wrote about an experience abroad were more likely to cheat.

The researchers carried out eight studies altogether.

They found that we’re more likely to cheat if we travel widely. And this is irrelevant of the crime and corruption levels in your home country, or the ones you visit.

The study states:

Over the past decade, an increasing amount of empirical research has highlighted the benefits of going abroad.

In contrast, the present research casts caution on the widespread approbation of foreign experiences by identifying an important dark side—increased immoral behavior.  

The researchers say this could be because travelling exposes you to more sets of moral codes.

More: The age your partner is most likely to cheat on you, apparently

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