The Northern Territory, also known as NT in Australia, is a beautiful swathe of land filled with desert landscapes, forests, springs and King’s Canyon.
Picture: Mark Kolbe/Getty
Picture: Mark Kolbe/Getty
A new tourism campaign for the area was released a few days ago, inviting people to the NT.
Its name? CU in the NT
Picture: Facebook
You can see the problem (clue: it's in the name).
The guerrilla campaign - which isn’t from the official government NT tourism office - encourages people to visit the area.
Complete with T-shirts and other pieces of clothing that can be purchased on the website, CU in the NT is quite an aggressive tourist slogan...
Picture: Official website
The newly created Instagram page is similarly...explicit in its language:
The NT has so much to offer. Bring your whole squad and explore the top end.
The top end of wh-oh never mind.
Not everyone is thrilled, and the campaign's Facebook page is inundated with criticism:
Jodie Ellis:
National disgrace. Australia where they use absolute filthy language and call it tourism promotion. How many tourists are you going to attract especially when you refer to it as a Vagina. I hope this is retracted and fast.
Annalise De Mel:
Just wondering what Elders you consulted or granted you permission to use Uluru, a sacred site, with this slogan plastered over it - or any other parts of country you're spruiking for this campaign?
A campaign spokesperson told Mashable:
We want people to recognise that if they want to go to the NT they shouldn't hesitate. They should just go and tell their friends to 'CU in the NT!'
Um, no.