
David Cameron's been offered a new job as a Sultan but he’d need a circumcision

Picture: Jack Taylor/Getty
Picture: Jack Taylor/Getty

The former prime minister David Cameron has been offered a £36 million-a-year job in Kazakhstan. The catch is he might need to get a circumcision.

Former prime ministers normally do things like charity work, or PR, or have a state funeral. Cameron has claimed he'd like to remain as an MP, even standing again at the next election. This will only bring him a pittance salary of £74, 962. A bizarre offer from the government of Kazakhstan could guarantee him £36 million-a-year, for pocket money

The job? 'Sultan'.

The offer to become 'Kazakh Sultan' comes from the Union of Muslims of Kazakhstan, specifically their and Muslim Committee for Central Asian Humans Rights. The lucrative pay deal and the grand title ('Call me Sultan' sounds so much better than 'Dave') come with the catch that Cameron would have to undergo a circumcision in order to be considered eligible for the role - possibly a cut too far, even for Dave.

This of course is not the first time that Cameron's member has been linked to an initiation ceremony. Allegedly.

Picture: Mark Runnacles/iStock

The job offer, which also makes reference to a harem being left at Cameron's disposal, was sent to his office for his consideration.

The reason for the odd proposal is perhaps part of a series of satirical pranks by critics of the authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan. The president of the Union of Muslims, Murat Telibekov has previously used other humorous proposals in order to score points against the ruling elite. In the past Telibekov has suggested that presidents be executed when they reach the age of 80 (the current ruler is 76), and legalising (the already abundant) bribery.

Following Cameron's resignation Nazarbayev sent him a telegram to communicate his gratitude to the prime minister. Nazarbayev has also invited Cameron to attend an energy conference in 2017, perhaps hoping to add another British premier to his collection. These two occurrences are probably the reason that Telibekov has targeted Cameron with this amusing job offer.

But maybe, just maybe, it's legitimate.

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