
Davina McCall has clarified those comments on keeping a man satisfied

Davina McCall has clarified those comments on keeping a man satisfied

On Sunday TV presenter Davina McCall was quoted in the Telegraph saying women must keep their husbands “satisfied” with sex - no matter how tired they are.

“You must keep your husband satisfied in the bedroom department,” she told the newspaper, “even if you’re absolutely exhausted. Otherwise he will go somewhere else.”

The remarks were immediately criticised online with one Twitter user saying Ms McCall was offering "relationship tips from the 1950s".

Now in a blog McCall has "clarified" the comments - although we're not sure she's really made it any better.

"My mum said, to keep your man happy, stay intimate," she wrote.

Sometimes, especially when the kids were very young and I was super tired, this was the last thing on my mind… has he ever coerced or pressured me? NO!!!

But have I ever started feeling tired and finished feeling very happy? Yes!!

She also offered this Twitter message to her critics:

Ms McCall has been married to Matthew Robertson for 16 years and they have three children. We're happy this approach works for them - but we wouldn't recommend anyone else do it. As Twitter user Bertha's Attic said of the original interview: "I must say Davina, the message you send out here is pretty reductive of both men and women."

You can read McCall's blogpost in full here

More: Davina McCall actually said this about how to keep a man satisfied

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