
Trump just told an anti-LGBT rally that the 'times are changing back again'

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Donald Trump became the first President in United States history to speak at the controversial Values Voter Summit.

The Conservative conference is held every year in Washington D.C. and run by the Family Research Council, which is well known for its anti-LGBT stance.

During his speech, Trump made several references to reversing the work of the Obama administration, during which LGBT rights expanded.

Speaking on Friday, Trump said:

The American Founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence — four times.

How times have changed.

But you know what, now they’re changing back again.

Just remember that.

Although Trump didn't directly address LGBT issues the fact that he spoke at such an event is telling.

It's even worse when you see the type of literature that was being handed out at the conference.

Since coming into office in January, Trump has led a very clear anti-LGBT agenda.

This includes attempting to ban transgender people from serving in the military, his Justice Department attempting to reverse civil rights laws that would protect LGBT people in the workplace.

Trump also took the opportunity to touch on subjects such as ISIS, Syria and trying to end the birth control mandate put in place by Obamacare.

He also vowed to continue his administrations commitment to "religious freedom".

Just last week, based on this executive action, the Department of Justice issued a new guidance to all federal agencies to ensure that no religious group is ever targeted under my administration.

It won’t happen.

I pledged that, in a Trump administration, our nation’s religious heritage would be cherished, protected, and defended like you have never seen before.

That’s what’s happening. That’s what’s happening.

You see it every day. You’re reading it.

Trump ended his speech by valiantly declaring to a firmly anti-LGBT audience that they would overcome "every evil."

We will defeat every evil, overcome every threat, and meet every single challenge.

We will defend our faith and protect our traditions.

We will find the best in each other and in ourselves.

We will pass on the blessings of liberty, and the glories of God, to our children.

Our values will endure, our nation will thrive, our citizens will flourish, and our freedom will triumph.

Although this is the first time that a President has spoken at the conference, it isn't the first time that Trump has made an appearance.

When campaigning for the Presidency last year, Trump addressed the anti-LGBT Conservative group in early September.

As The New York Times reported at the time, Trump chose not address abortion or gay marriage then but once again focused on "religious freedom."

Interestingly at the end of September 2016, a straw poll held by the group saw him come fifth out of the Republican candidates, with Ted Cruz coming out on top, as reported by FOX News.

HT Los Angeles Blade

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