A study has found that dyslexia could be situated in the eyes of sufferers.
Scientists at the University of Rennes, France studied the eyes of 30 non-dyslexic and 30 dyslexic people.
They found in the study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, that a particular spot, where colours are processed, in one eye of non-dyslexic subjects was round but that wasn't the same case in the other subset's eyes.
This caused the perfectly round eye to be more dominant, which means that they have clearer vision and better connections between both sides of the brain.
This is similar to being left of right handed, as one eye is often more naturally dominant than the other.
However, the same cannot be said for people with dyslexia.
Aside from having difficulties with reading and spelling people with dyslexia can sometimes struggle to tell the difference between left and right.
This anomaly in the eye could therefore result in the brain becoming confused by two images or shapes that are slightly similar.
Guy Ropars, study co-author, said:
[The lack of asymmetry] might be the biological and anatomical basis of reading and spelling disabilities.
For dyslexic students, their two eyes are equivalent and their brain has to successively rely on the two slightly different versions of a given visual scene.
Dyslexia effects around 10 per cent of the population and although this research is revelatory it doesn't conclude why this difference occurs in some people's eyes and if the problem is the sole reason behind dyslexia.
Dyslexia expert and Oxford University professor in neuroscience, John Stein told the BBC:
No one problem is necessary to get dyslexia and no one problem is behind it.
Stein did add that he thought the study was "really interesting" as it displayed how important one eye is other the other when reading.
HT LadBible
More: This website shows what it's like to read when you have dyslexia​