
Fox News broadcast a graphic showing they’re the least trusted news network

Fox News broadcast a graphic showing they’re the least trusted news network

Fox News has broadcast something factually accurate.

And given that only 22 per cent of statements made on Fox were rated as 'true' or 'mostly true' by PolitiFact, this is pretty much newsworthy in itself.

But there are even sharper twists to this tale: Fox News is less trusted than CNN and MSNBC, a Fox News graphic briefly declared before host of the Media Buzz segment Howard Kurtz said:

That is not the graphic we are looking for. Hold off. Take that down, please.

The graphic showed that the network, which is famous for its right-wing stance and support for President Trump, was trusted more than Donald Trump by less than a third of Americans.

Kurtz blasted reports that said his show accidentally posted the graphic as "dishonest" and said the Monmouth University poll was mistakenly shown early, writing in a Facebook post:

The AP reported my request to take down the graphic and ended the story there, creating a false impression by not mentioning that I called for the very same graphic shortly afterward. This echoed partisan chatter online that I had somehow panicked or didn’t want to show the poll graphic, which is flatly contradicted by reality.

The graphic was discussed later on the show to highlight how news networks are trusted more than Donald Trump.

More: Fox News is ‘worse than propaganda’ says CNN chief

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