Greg Evans
Sep 01, 2017

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The Queen, or the Crown, owns every swan in Britain. That's the law right? Everyone knows that.
So when a young girl wanted to own one for herself, she knew exactly who to contact.
Five-year-old Lyndsay Simpson, had her heart set on caring for a sawn and requested permission from Queen Elizabeth to have one as a pet.
After being informed by her mother Jennifer Bax that the Queen owns all the swans, Lyndsay penned a letter to Her Majesty.
In it she conveyed her love of swans and how she planned to keep it in the bath.
We're not sure if keeping an animal the size of a swan in a bath is such a good idea, but Buckingham Palace responded in the best possible way.
The Times report that Jennie Vine, a deputy correspondence co-ordinator at the Palace, stated that the Queen had taken 'careful note' of Lyndsay's request but had unfortunate news for her.
The belief that the Queen owns every swan in the land is nothing more than a misconception that dates back for centuries.
Now, like us, you are probably shocked at this revelation, but the Palace's letter did clarify the issue.
The Queen has asked me to thank you for your letter...from which Her Majesty has taken careful note of your comments regarding the keeping of swans as pets.
I should perhaps explain that it is a common misconception that The Queen owns all the swans in the United Kingdom.
Her Majesty owns mute swans and only exercises her right of ownership over swans on certain parts of the River Thames.
It should be remembered that as native wild birds, swans now enjoy statutory protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
The Queen was encouraged to know of your interest in our native birdlife and thought it kind of you to write as you did.
This honest and heartfelt response was also accompanied with a booklet on swan upping, a ceremony where the birds are captured, tagged and then released.
As you can guess, Lyndsay and her mother were delighted to receive the letter from Her Majesty.
We're still interested to learn if a swan could actually survive in a bath, but when asked what she would feed the swan, Lyndsay toldThe Times:
Whatever the Queen feeds her swans.
That's pretty sound logic.
Speaking to the Petersfield Post, Lyndsay's Grandmother, Carol Bax added:
It’s absolutely amazing that they took the time and trouble to write to a little girl of five. She was ecstatic. It was just charming. What it’s meant to that little girl – it will stay with her forever.
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