
This GoFundMe page is raising money to buy ‘ladders’ to get over Trump’s border wall

This GoFundMe page is raising money to buy ‘ladders’ to get over Trump’s border wall
Getty iStock/ Twitter

A GoFundMe page set up to collect money for Donald Trump’s US- Mexico border wall has already raised more than $11million dollars in four days.

But now a rival page has been created in response to buy ‘ladders to get over Trump’s wall'.

Despite its name, the page isn’t actually raising money to buy ladders – instead, the money donated will go to the Refugee and Immigrant Centre for Education and Legal Services.

The Texas-based charity helps with legal services for immigrant children, families and refugees.

The page only came about after one Twitter user made a joke about making a fund for ladders.

After army veteran Charlotte Clymer saw the tweet, she decided to go ahead and actually make the fundraising page.

A message on the GoFundMe page reads:

We saw some folks are raising money for a border wall to keep out our migrant siblings and fellow human beings, who are fleeing violence and persecution and whose tragically-underpaid labour is essential to the U.S. economy

Seems like a bad idea on countless levels for everyone involved.

Maybe we should focus on human rights and creating a community that reflects our supposed values.

It adds:

This GoFundMe isn’t really about ladders at all. It’s about lifting people up.

The page has raised more than $70,000 since it was created on Wednesday.

Let's hope they keep up the good work, and can help lift more immigrant and refugee families up.

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