
Jacob Rees-Mogg gets owned by Labour MP after saying 'not many snowflakes' listen to his LBC radio show

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Jacob Rees-Mogg's hypocricy was savegly pointed out by Labour MP David Lammy, after the politician claimed that "not many snowflakes" listen to his LBC show.

The Conservative Brexiteer, who started hosting his own weekly LBC show earlier this month, went on Twitter last week to hypothesise who he thinks actually tunes into his broadcast.

Lots of stout hearted Briton not many snowflakes

But his tweet quickly backfired, after the Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy, pointed out the irony.

Who you calling a snowflake? Aren't you the guy who gets offended by the idea of two blokes getting married?

The Euroskeptic has gone on Good Morning Britain in the past to say that he was against abortions as well as same-sex marriage because he "supports the teaching of the Catholic Church. The marriage issue is the important thing, this is not how people arrange their lives".

His show, which has only been running for two weeks, involves Rees-Mogg responding to callers questions and debating politics every Friday.

Considering the show has only been running for such a short amount of time, the politician probably hasn't experienced the wrath of the oncoming snowflakes just yet.

More: Brexit: Jacob Rees-Mogg suggested suspending the Commons to ensure a no-deal and everyone pointed out the hypocrisy

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