Louis Dor
Mar 02, 2017

Liberal Democrats/YouTube
The Liberal Democrats were, by all accounts, having a pretty decent week.
The good news is, for the first time since at least the beginning of 2012, the Liberal Democrats overtook Labour in donations, not including public funds.
For perspective, between Q1 2012 and Q3 2016, Lib Dem total donations excluding public funds were 31.7 per cent that of Labour's.
For the Lib Dems to overtake Labour in any month is a scalping.
Labour's diminishing funds are also surely a cause for concern. The same can be said for Ukip.
But, anyway, it's good news for the Lib Dems.
Also music to the Liberal Democrats ears was the news that the House of Lords defied the Prime Minister - voting 358 to 256 to insert a clause in the Article 50 Bill to ensure EU citizens have the same full rights to live and work here after Brexit - a campaign long fought by the party.
Less good news for the Lib Dems is this clip of two MPs which is going viral for the, at best, patchy acting:
Twitter has run with the theme:
The clip originates from a video made by the Liberal Democrats in which MPs Sarah Olney and Tom Brake argue that the government should commit to fairtrade gold standards, and make future trade deals sustainable and subject to parliamentary approval.
You can watch the full video, below:
But seriously politicians, don't try to be funny - it's not your job and you're not good at it.
Except your 404 pages. We can't get enough of those.
More: The Liberal Democrats are trolling Jeremy Corbyn with a witty 404 page
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