
Shock poll reveals Labour could be wiped out in Scotland

Shock poll reveals Labour could be wiped out in Scotland

Labour would face annihilation in Scotland if a general election were held tomorrow, according to a shock poll by Ipsos MORI for STV News.

Among those certain to vote in a general election in Scotland, it found Labour would have 23 per cent of support compared to the 42 per cent the party polled at the 2010 general election. The SNP would have 52 per cent - compared to 19.9 per cent in 2010. Under such conditions Labour would struggle to win a general election.

Ed Miliband's party currently has 40 MPs in Scotland. Assuming a uniform swing against Labour the poll suggests they would be left with four, with politicians such as Jim Murphy - who has just announced he is standing to be Labour leader in Scotland - losing their seats. Only Willie Bain, Tom Clarke, Gordon Brown and Ian Davidson would retain their Westminster seats. The SNP, meanwhile, would get 54 seats - from six.

STV's political editor Bernard Ponsonby said "this is the most dramatic poll findings ever to be published in Scotland and underlines the scale of the challenge for Labour leaders both north and south of the border."

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