
Ungrateful student gets roasted for trying to insult former teacher on Facebook


Sometimes, particularly for people who don’t feel like they fit in at school, a humorous back and forth with a teacher can be a valuable lifeline.

Though teachers and students often have a love/hate relationship.

Sometimes teachers even divide opinion. Like Mrs Johanson.

After one student expressed hopes that Mrs Johanson might be at a reunion, lots of other students inevitably chimed in with their opinions and experiences. Some couldn’t believe that she was a favourite, whereas other also admitted that they couldn’t have survived school without her.

The debate continued, with plenty praising the teacher’s wit and humour.

This was made evident when a student named Larry tried to take her down, calling her a "BITHC". She immediately fired back with a savage yet brilliant response, saying he's "single and unemployed".


Naturally, people online loved her quick retort.

We think this student has learned a valuable lesson: don't come for Mrs Johanson.

H/T: Bored Panda

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