Matthew Champion
Apr 01, 2015

Nigel Farage has blamed a lot of things on immigration, from traffic on the M4 to people speaking foreign languages on train carriages.
With the election campaign well underway now, however, the Ukip leader is having to up his game to stay fresh, so now he's blamed immigrants for stopping children from playing in the streets. Really.
As he unfurled a Ukip poster at the foot of the White Cliffs of Dover yesterday, Farage said people in the east of England felt a "deep level of discomfort" over the number of immigrants who had settled in the UK over the past decade.
"I want to live in a community where our kids play football in the streets of an evening and live in a society that is at ease with itself," he said, claiming that leaving the EU would cut annual net migration from 300,000 to 30,000 by 2018.
He continued: "And I sense over the last decade or more we are not at ease.
"If we went to every town up eastern England and spoke to people about how they felt, their town, their city had changed in the last 15 years, there is a deep level of discomfort, because if you have immigration at these sorts of levels integration doesn't happen."
More: [Ten other things Nigel Farage has tried to blame on immigration]2
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