Further proof of the country’s skewed housing market comes in this latest survey by Lloyds Bank, which found a single London borough was home to 12 of the 20
priciest addresses, while Wales had no roads where the average price was above £1m.
Here are the most expensive streets in each region, with the average house price there:
London: Victoria Road, £8,006,000
South-east: Leys Road, Leatherhead £3,677,000
South-west: Sandbanks Road,Poole £2,493,000
East Anglia: Newton Road, Cambridge £1,853,000
North-west: Castle Hill, Macclesfield £1,662,000
East Midlands: Lyndon Road, Rutland £1,363,000
West Midlands: Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon £1,349,000
Yorkshire and the Humber: Rutland Drive, Harrogate £1,191,000
North-east: Graham Park Road, Newcastle £1,029,000
Wales: Druidstone Road, Cardiff £793,000
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